

As part of our innovation, research and development policy, Grupo Jorge is involved in various public-private partnerships with institutions through the Innpacto ministerial programme, the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) programmes and we have agreements with Zaragoza Pyme Medioambiental (Zaragoza Environmental SME), a plan launched by Zaragoza City Council.

The Pink Pig

TWINDPIG Creación de un gemelo digital en la parte industrial

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SICHOCK: Innovación para la seguridad en operaciones decarga y descarga de camiones.

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Grupo Jorge

Instalación solar fotovoltaica para autoconsumo de complejo cárnico 3.1Mw

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Cuarte Grupo Jorge

SENSORIPIG. Creación de un sistema innovador para la gestión eficiente y sostenible de la cadena de suministro depienso mediante Sensorización e Inteligencia Artificial.

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Le Porc Gourmet

CAUDOPIG. Sistema de valoración de caudofagia mediante IA

Importe de la ayuda
81.216,00 €
Inversión total
112.961,00 €
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Le Porc Gourmet

Projecte de substitució d’equips del sistema d’aire comprimit a les instal·lacions de Le Porc Gourmet SA. de santa eugènia de berga per a millorar l’eficiència energètica.

Importe de la ayuda
34.075,30 €
Inversión total
147.628,00 €
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We are a Spanish business group composed of various companies, with an extensive track record and profitable, continuous and sustained growth.


The pink pig

Our main pork production company, with slaughterhouses and cutting plants.


Our cured meat company. One of the biggest producers of serrano and Iberian ham.


Our cutting plants that specialise in sows.


Specialised in pork by-products such as offal, loin and tripe.